Förderprogramm IQ – Integration durch Qualifizierung

IQ Networks in Baden-Württemberg

The IQ Networks in the regions Baden and Württemberg are part of the Network IQ – Integration through Qualification, which is funded by the Federal Ministry of Labour and Social Affairs (BMAS) and the European Union through the European Social Fund Plus (ESF Plus). Our aim is to improve the sustainable and educationally adequate integration of adult migrants into the labor market.

One focus of our services is qualification support and coaching. On the one hand, these are aimed at migrants with foreign professional qualifications, who are supported in entering the profession they have learned with the appropriate qualifications. On the other hand, we help migrants without professional qualifications to further develop their informally or non-formally acquired skills through qualifications and make them visible to employers in particular.

In a second priority area, we reduce structural barriers and disadvantages for migrants in the labor market with consulting and qualification projects for labor market institutions and support companies in recruiting skilled workers from abroad.

We cooperate closely with the "Counseling centers for the recognition of foreign professional qualifications", which is funded by the Network IQ and the Baden-Württemberg Ministry of Social Affairs, Health and Integration. And we also cooperate with the counseling center ″mira – Mit Recht bei der Arbeit/Your rights at work″, which is a project within the framework of "Fair Integration" in the Network IQ.

You can find all our services in Baden-Würrtemberg in our network overview (in german).

The IQ Networks in Baden-Württemberg is coordinated by Interkulturelles Bildungszentrum Mannheim gGmbH (ikubiz).

Your contact person:

Hüseyin Ertunç
Overall Coordination
Telephone 0621 437 731 12

Die IQ Netzwerke Baden und Württemberg werden koordiniert durch:

Interkulturelles Bildungszentrum Mannheim
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